Population dynamics of free-living nematodes populationsunder different soil uses and management


  • Jerson Achicanoy Ch.
  • Jorge Navia E.
  • Carlos Betancourth G.


Diversity Indices, Trophic chain, Nematodes, Soil biology, Taxa


The seasonal fluctuation of nematode populations, associated to seven uses of land was studied in both dry and rainy seasons; for uses of land and for each season, soil samples were taken to a depth from 0-20 cm; extraction nematode was obtained using extraction by centrifugation, and for their identification, morphological keys that include morphometric characters and diagnostic. During evaluation period 21 families were observed, being more frequent: Cephalobidae, Rhabditidae, Aphelenchidae, Dorylaimidae, Mononchidae, Tylenchidae and Criconematidae. The identified taxa were assigned into trophic groups. Diversity indexes of Simpson, Shannon and Margalef were calculate to get comparisons between different land uses with different sampling times, that according to results showed differences between uses and time of assessment. The observed differences were analyzed by means of an analysis of variance and the post-hoc Tukey test, having as criteria abundance, richness and diversity indexes. Nematode populations were lower in the dry season than in the rainy one; other results showed that native forest, protein bank and plantations of acacia and aliso had the highest biological diversity (P< 0,01) respect to the rest of treatments, allowing evaluate the trophic chain of the nematodes and the population fluctuation of them.


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How to Cite

Achicanoy Ch., J., Navia E., J., & Betancourth G., C. (2013). Population dynamics of free-living nematodes populationsunder different soil uses and management. Revista De Ciencias Agrícolas, 29(2), 26–38. Retrieved from https://revistas.udenar.edu.co/index.php/rfacia/article/view/454