Evaluation of a system of vegetative propagation by means of esqueje


  • Camilo Ordóñez U Ingeniero Agrónomo, Universidad Nariño
  • Hilda Gómez O Ingeniero Agrónomo, Universidad Nariño
  • Héctor Ramiro Ordóñez J Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas, Universidad de Nariño
  • Tulio César Lagos B Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas, Universidad de Nariño


Solanaceae, hormone, callus, roots, peat, sandy


This research was conducted in the greenhouse at the University of Nariño, Colombia, in order to determine the effect of two types of substrates (sandy and peat) and rooting hor- mone ANA (0,4%) in the vegetative propagation with cuttings of S. hirtum, S. marginatum, S. sessiliflorum, S. mammosum and S.umbellatum. In the early stages of trial were evaluated formation of callus (FC), formation of roots (FR), leaf formation (LF), mortality (M), plant height (PH), stem diameter (SD ), number of leaves (NL), number of roots (NR), weight of fresh and dry stem (WFS and WDS), weight of fresh and dry root (WFR and WDR). We used an unrestricted random design with factorial arrangement with three replications, where the factor A corresponded to the substrate (sandy and peat) and factor B was the hormone (with or without hormone). The control for each species corresponded to the substrate sandy and cutting without hormone. The results showed that this treatment showed the best values for the variables FC, FR, LF and M in the five species. The highest M rates occurred in S. sessiliflorum with 62,5% and S. marginatum with 61,9%. The ANA significantly reduced the survival of cuttings of all wildspecies and other traits significantly affected. The substrate sandy was presented the best rooting conditions for all species.


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How to Cite

Ordóñez U, C., Gómez O, H., Ordóñez J, H. R., & Lagos B, T. C. (2012). Evaluation of a system of vegetative propagation by means of esqueje. Revista De Ciencias Agrícolas, 29(1), 29–41. Retrieved from https://revistas.udenar.edu.co/index.php/rfacia/article/view/366