Foundational skills for a new Latin American public management in the 21st century


  • Luis Enrique Pazmiño
  • Carmen Elena Rodríguez


Foundational skills, Cross-cutting skills, Mindset, Public administration, 21st century education, Latin America


In Latin America, new generations are still being trained with the educational systems of past centuries, characterized above all by the development of cognitive skills, but neglecting the promotion of transversal or foundational skills, so necessary to face the varied and multiple changes occurring in the 21st century caused by the technological revolution, migratory crises, global warming, among others.
This situation generates a gap between what the labor market demands and what current education offers. Public administration has not been immune to the negative effects of this impact. It is urgently necessary to train in transversal skills, such as teamwork, problem solving, effective communication, creativity, perseverance, resilience, etc., and to promote the construction of growth mindsets that will drive a new public administration in the current century.


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2019-06-25 — Updated on 2023-03-02


How to Cite

Pazmiño, L. E., & Rodríguez, C. E. (2023). Foundational skills for a new Latin American public management in the 21st century. Codex Scientific Journal, 6(10), 10–19. Retrieved from (Original work published June 25, 2019)