Beyond weighting. Critical decolonizing notes to (re) think constitutionalism in our America.
Legal weighting, historization, coloniality, materialityAbstract
The present reflections undertake to present a critique of the figure of the Weighting or proportionality test, from the postulates of a decolonial vision and based on some very general notions of the philosophy of liberation, outlining some arguments more akin to a materialist position of the right, from where the meaning and ideological foundation of said hermeneutical tool is disputed. Thus, the fundamental axis of this article revolves around the unveiling of the consequences that the automated use of weighting generates, in a context where constitutional law, its contents and interpretative forms have fallen into ideologizations, encryptions and fetishizations, by not Take into account its lingering colonial history. Therefore, as a possible alternative to how dysfunctional Weighing can be, it is proposed to incorporate in the controversies of rights and principles the method of the historicization of concepts as an illuminating tool for the liberation of Latin American peoples, which works at the same time as a way to rethink constitutional hermeneutics in a more situated and contextualized way.
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- 2023-03-02 (2)
- 2020-12-15 (1)
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