concentration, contaminant, environment, methylation, public healthAbstract
Mercury is a polluting substance and being present in the environment, it can represent a danger to public health, people are primarily exposed to this metal by eating fish contaminated with mercury. In this work the mercury concentration was determined temporary space in the Pseudoplatystoma magdaleniatum in Zapatosa swamp. Four samplings were conducted in a period of one year from July 2017 to June 2018, in four seasons with different characteristics. In the total mercury analysis the direct measurement method according to EPA 7473 was used. A total of 185 individuals were captured, all they presented mercury concentration, in all seasons and stations studied and there were significant differences (p <0.005) in the station-period interaction, the stations away from the rivers presented the highest values and in most of the periods they did not present significant differences (p <0.005); the stations near the rivers presented the lowest concentrations and tended to be different. The average concentration was 0.278 ± 0.14 μg / g, exceeding in some cases the maximum level allowed for consumption of the general population (0.5 μg / g). The highest concentrations of total mercury in fish were found in drought periods in which temperatures in the study area are high and methylation activity increases.
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