INCORPORATION OF CHOCHO FLOUR (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) IN DIET FOR RED TILAPIA (Oreochromis sp)




aquaculture feeding, production costs, legumes, simple growth rate.


Balanced feed in aquaculture represents between 50% and 70% of production costs, therefore it is important that this input is as efficient as possible in nutritional terms and that it is also optimally supplied to culture organisms, balanced foods are made with various raw materials that largely determine the final price. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of different levels of chocho flour (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) added at different levels 10, 20 and 30% to the diet in red tilapia (Oreochromis sp). The research was carried out for 50 days in the nutrition and feeding laboratory of the University of Nariño, a recirculation system consisting of 12 aquariums with a capacity of 25 liters was used. 15 red tilapia animals with an average weight of 3.45 grams (g) were sown, feeding 5% of the biomass. Four treatments were evaluated, each with three replicates using chocho flour, (T0) without addition, (T1) with 10%, (T2) with 20% and (T3) with 30%. During the study, the variables of weight, height, dietary conversion factor, and physical-chemical parameters such as pH, dissolved oxygen, and temperature were evaluated. (T1) was the one with the highest growth (11.1), compared to the others (T2), 4.93, (T3) 5.62 and (T4) 5.57. The incorporation of new raw materials in the feeding and nutrition of aquaculture species is an opening to find and satisfy the nutritional requirements of fish and as a possible source of research that will lead to replacing some of the raw materials that generate high costs. of production.


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Author Biographies

Diana Yaqueline Diaz Erazo, Ingeniera en Producción Acuícola

Universidad de Nariño

Camilo Lenin Guerrero Romero, Docente Hora Catedra.

Departamento de Recursos Hidrobiológicos, Universidad de Nariño, Pasto, Colombia

Marco Antonio Imúes Figueroa, Zoot, MSc, Profesor Asociado

 Departamento de Recursos Hidrobiológicos, Facultad de Ciencias Pecuarias, Universidad de Nariño, Pasto, Colombia.

Angela María Gómez Barco, Ingeniera en Producción Acuícola

Universidad de Nariño

Edy Santiago Narváez Mora, Ingeniero en Producción Acuícola

Universidad de Nariño


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