


Hydrobiological species, Recirculating system, biofiltration, aquaculture.


Production of fish and shrimp in recirculation systems has become a very important alternative to traditional open systems, based on the reuse of water previously treated with physical, chemical, and biological processes. For recirculating system to be efficient and provide a suitable environment, it must come along with five basic processes: water circulation, oxygenation, removal of suspended solids, biofiltration and gas exchange. Biofiltration is an important phase of any recorculating aquaculture system (RAS) where living organisms, mainly bacteria, are used to remove TAN (total ammonia nitrogen) from water, toxic to fish and shrimp in low concentrations. Therefore, the sizing of a biofilter is based on the characteristics of the effluent (organic load, concentration of TAN, Nitrites, BOD, COD, etc.). There are a variety of biological filters that are used in aquaculture to provide a surface area that allows bacteria to grow in a biofilm and to use up toxic waste, improving the water quality in the culture. Some biological filters used in RAS are trickling filters, rotary drum filters, submerged fixed media filters, granular media biofilters, aerobic fluidized bed reactors, moving bed biofilm reactors. In this work, a review is made of the biological filtration methods used in RAS as an alternative to maintain water quality.


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Author Biographies

Paula Ximena Marcillo-Caguasango, Ingeniero en Producción Acuícola

Universidad de Nariño, Pasto, Colombia.

Jorge Ricardo Sacro-Arciniegas, Universidad de Nariño, Pasto, Colombia.

Ingeniero en Producción Acuícola

Yemall Alexander Maigual-Enriquez, Ingeniero en Producción Acuícola, M.Sc, PhD,

Universidad de Nariño, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Pasto, Colombia.


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