Effect of bioproducts in the production of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Arachis hipogea L.
Biofertilizers; efficient-microorganisms; chitosan; organic production.Abstract
The agrochemical inadequate use to increase the plants yield, is not an environmentally friendly practice. For this reason, the research objective was to evaluate the effect of efficient-microorganisms and chitosan on growth and yield of Phaseolus vulgaris L and Arachis hipogea L. An experiment was established in field at Bayamo municipality, Granma province in the period October/2016 and February/2017. Chitosan (Q) and efficient-microorganisms (EM) alone and combinations were evaluated on the growth and yield of P. vulgaris and A. hipogea. For it, a design of randomized blocks with four replies it was established and an ANOVA and Duncan´s test (p≤0.05) it was used. The results showed that Q+EM combination potentiated the growth and yield of peanuts and bean plants. With Q+EM were obtained the bigger values of gynophores/plant, seeds/plants and weight/100 seeds. Thus, the chitosan + efficient-microorganism’s combination, rise as an biofertilization efficient alternative in the sustainable production of bean and peanuts.
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