Cattle movement as a function of some biotic and abiotic factors in a tropical pasture
Animal behavior, landscape, silvopastoralism, remote sensingAbstract
The research question is how do some biotic and abiotic variables, under a silvopastoral system exert influence on the animal movement? These studies have been carried out through different approaches and have included analyses from empirical to statistical. The aim of this study was to relate cattle grazing sites with some biotic and abiotic factors under a silvopastoral system. The fieldwork was carried out in a paddock of the farm La Reforma located in the upper part of the Magdalena River basin (Tolima, Colombia). Through global positioning devices (GPS), movement, grazing route, and resting data that cattle perform in these habitats during daytime hours were obtained. Six cows (460 kg live weight, not pregnant) were monitored during two periods of the year at one-minute time intervals. Data were processed in a geographic information systems (GIS) environment, and mechanisms and algorithms were used to establish an association of moving animals with some biotic (pasture productivity and cover, trees, and floristic composition) and abiotic factors (climatological season, access to drinking and salt troughs). The results suggest an association between animal movement concerning the different attractants for which the drinking and salt troughs in the paddocks were relevant. In conclusion, the analysis of animal behavior at the landscape level is useful for decision-making in the design of livestock landscapes.
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