Regeneration of tree tomato plants (Cyphomandra betacea Cav. Sendt.) induced by organogenesis from callus


  • José Julián Apraez M
  • Janio Fabián Romo D
  • Tulio Cesar Lagos B.


In vitro, hormones, growth medium, morphogenesis, Murashige and Skoog


The aim of this study was to obtain tree tomato plants (C. betacea) in vitro, by induced organogenesis in callus. A complete randomized block design, with four treatments and four replications was used. Treatments studied were: (1) MS (check), (2) MS + 2.4D 5μM, (3) MS + 2.4D 10μM y (4) MS + 2.4 D 15μM; 13μM of kinetin were added to treatments 2, 3, and 4. The experimental unit consisted of 10 glass containers, with a capacity of 120 ml. In each container 20 mi of culture medium were added and were sown three calluses with a diameter of 5 mm. The highest percentage of regenerated plants (14,66%) was obtained with treatment MS + 2,4 D 5μM (T2), and the lowest (2,91%) with MS + 2,4D 15μM. Formation of roots, stems, leaves and regenerated plants was higher using MS + 2.4D 5μM (T2), with values of 0,52, 0,14, 0,15 and 0,05, respectively, while lower values were obtained with treatment 4, MS + 2.4 15μM, with of values 0,09, 0,04, 0,008 and 0, for the same characteristics.


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How to Cite

Apraez M, J. J., Romo D, J. F., & Lagos B., T. C. (2013). Regeneration of tree tomato plants (Cyphomandra betacea Cav. Sendt.) induced by organogenesis from callus. Revista De Ciencias Agrícolas, 29(2), 108–115. Retrieved from