Water quality index using fuzzy logic Utcubamba River, Peru





Water analysis, water chemistry, water pollution, computer application, artificial intelligence


Water is a fundamental nutrient in the life of any living being. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate its quality, because it is an issue of increasing concern countries around the world for reasons such as the health of the population, regional, national and international economic development, and the environmental quality of the ecosystems. One tool that has been used to know the state of the water is the water quality indexes (WQI). The objective of this research was to develop a WQI based on fuzzy logic, which allows for the estimation of water quality in the Utcubamba River. The methodology used was proposed by Icaga in 2007. To evaluate the proposed WQI called "Diffuse Water Quality Index" (DWQI), sixteen points from the sampling conducted by the Research Institute for Sustainable Development during October 2014 on the Utcubamba River and its tributaries were used. To validate the index, it was necessary to estimate the correlation coefficient R2 between the results obtained and those of the NSF WQI wáter quality index reported by the Water Research Center. This new index presented results and reasonable correlation, R2 = 0.81. It is concluded that DWQI can be used as a tool for decision making in the water management of the Utcubamba River.


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How to Cite

Quiñones-Huatangari, L., Ochoa, L., Milla-Pino, M. E., Bazán, J. F., Gamarra, O. A., & Rascón, J. (2020). Water quality index using fuzzy logic Utcubamba River, Peru. Revista De Ciencias Agrícolas, 37(1), 6–18. https://doi.org/10.22267/rcia.203701.124