
  • Jarol Edisson Cuchala
  • Camilo Andrés Criollo
  • Daniela Alejandra Huertas Diaz


formacion etica, ciudadano etico, docente, formador etico, compromiso etico, proceso, enseñanza, aprendizaje, individuos integros


In the present article, it is found a reflective analysis that presents and expresses criteria, thoughts, and teacher reflections as an ethical citizen trainer. In the field of education, teachers play a role very relevant that is not only put in practice inside an educational institution and a classroom, but also within society. The importance of the teacher lies in being an upright individual who can impact and influence students with academic, ethical, and moral growth. From this, there must be an ethical commitment from the teacher precisely related to the growth and ethical training of an upright teacher capable of impacting and inspiring students academically and ethically. Reflecting the teacher as a trainer of ethical citizens who also believes that the teacher can reinvent himself as an inspiration for his pupils and not simply succumb to an infamous warning.
Understanding the role of the teacher implies an understanding that he/she is also an ethical and moral trainer and not simply an academic trainer since in the end, both are necessary for the development and integral progress of the teaching-learning process. The teacher must be interested in the academic and moral formation of the students so that later on, these will be self-reflective, ethical, and moral individuals who contribute to the benefit of a community. In other words, the formation of upright individuals is in the hands of teachers, who are responsible for ensuring that this purpose is fully achieved. Therefore, teachers are committed to accompanying an integral formative process that certain attributes a significant value both for their teaching practice and for their students.




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How to Cite

Cuchala, J. E., Criollo, C. A., & Huertas Diaz, D. A. (2022). EL DOCENTE, UN FORMADOR DE SERES HUMANOS ÍNTEGROS. Revista Huellas, 8(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.udenar.edu.co/index.php/rhuellas/article/view/7270