Estrategias didácticas para el desarrollo de la comunicación verbal en inglés en los estudiantes de grado tercero del instituto champagnat de Pasto
verbal communication, teaching strategies, materials and activities, learningAbstract
Being competent in the 21st century demands quality education that prepares children and young people as global citizens capable of responding to challenges of life, in different areas.
Instituto Champagnat in Pasto, aware of the need to learn English, consistent with the directions of the Ministry of National Education, has begun a path towards a bilingual school.
Learning a language is based on oral communication so it is important to recreate communicative situations where students listen and speak in English to foster an authentic and meaningful environment. To maximize class time in conversational activities, the present research oriented by the mixed research paradigm guidelines and the action participatory research carried out with third graders does not only propose the selection and use of efficient teaching strategies that contribute to the development of communication skills, according to their level and age gradually, but also to design and implement educational activities and materials that promote their development according to students’ needs and characteristics and subsequently, evaluate their effectiveness. The international Starters exam was used in the diagnosis and videos, recordings, photos and interviews were used for the gathering information process.
What are the teaching strategies that enhance the development of verbal communication skills in English? These are strategies related to dialogues, videos, creation use and presentation of mini-books about different communicative situations, song festival, prayer of the morning and activities to care for the planet like water campaigns, protest messages, training and presentations in the school and in a congress about reducing, reusing, recycling and garbage classification, promoting interdisciplinarity in English teaching, motivating the Project-Based Learning work “EcoMarists, protectors of our common home.”
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