Incidencia de las redes sociales en el pensamiento crítico en estudiantes de educación superior
critical thinking, social networks, higher educationAbstract
Social networks raise questions about how these platforms affect the way of thinking and acting of millions of people who are part of these digital communities. In the academic spaces of higher education, it is observed that the amount of information, entertainment and new forms of communication are widely used by students, teachers, managers and administrators.
This research article is framed in a documentary review focused on the categories of social networks and critical thinking. Its purpose is to serve as a source of consultation and analysis to determine whether social networks positively or negatively impact the critical and reflective thinking of university students, facilitating their academic and professional development to analyze, evaluate and synthesize information in a reflective and deliberate manner.
The research was based on the search for sources such as books, essays and articles that address critical thinking and social networks in university contexts. Aspects were evident such as: a) limitations in the development of critical thinking in students and the importance of the teacher as a guide; b) essential characteristics of critical thinking such as self-discipline and analysis; c) the initial and ongoing impact of social networks in university environments.
The results highlight the need for teachers to implement specific and effective guidelines for students to critically use information from social networks, thereby improving their critical thinking skills, promoting academic integrity and ethical development. The documentary review concludes that social networks have a significant impact on the critical thinking of higher education students, with both positive and negative effects. Although they facilitate quick access to diverse information and encourage critical reflection, information overload and difficulty discerning reliable sources can limit robust critical thinking.
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