TLC economic impact of Colombia - United States department Nariño (Part one)
Trade Promotion Agreement, Asymmetry, center-periphery, comparativism RicardianAbstract
This paper analyzes a Free Trade Agreement FTA, U.S. - Colombia entered into force in May 2012 compared to the economic structure of the Department of Nariño. The Southern Border Research Group performed an exploratory exercise and analytical - descriptive which deals with the lights and shadows of the treaty for the regional economy. Indeed, we study the benets and consequences of international trade from the various schools of economic thought and its most relevant contributions to trade theory. Thereafter, we analyze the terms of the treaty and its impact on the regional economy, which can highlight the characteristics of the production structure of Nariño in the context of frontier economy.
This paper is divided into two parts because of its importance and the inuence it can have in the medium and long term regional development Nariño.
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