TLC economic impact of Colombia - United States department Nariño (Part II)


  • Manuel Iván Ortiz Ramos Universidad de Nariño
  • Richard Iván López Zambrano Universidad de Nariño



Trade Promotion Agreement, Asymmetry, center-periphery, Comparativism Ricardian


The south border plays an important paper opposite to the agricultural sector since it possesses from excellent suroccidente natural resources and ecosistemicos from where there are extracted prime matters, inputs, location and products of exportation, since they are: 1) Water production cleans and drinkable; 2) Production of wind, solar and electrical power; 3) Mining industry of precious and chemical metals, 4) Production in agroindustry of lacteal and food; 5) commercial Logistics with the Andean associates; 6) Storages and Warehousing for prime matters and inputs of the trade intra and interindustrial between Ecuador and Colombia; 7) Agenciamiento of the exterior trade and customs connected activities and yuxtapuestas; 8) Transport and interoceanic interconnection with Brazil and the south cone for highway; 9) Better communications for possessing a strategic location satelital between the equatorial zone and the pacific littoral; 10) The production of an economy in dad’s scale, tubers, fruits vegetables from the region of the Andean altiplane (Exprovincia de Obando and Sibundoy’s valley), since Nariño in several consecutive years has occupied the first place in the dad’s national output; 11) Adjacent to the peripheral Amazonian region (COFAM) located in the rich tidelands of crude oil (Under Putumayo), that for many decades have generated Colombia, the currencies necessary for the economic and social expansion of the cities and departments of the center to coasts of the extraction, exploitation, logistics and exportation of crude oil that Ecopetrol realizes for the pipeline: Orito-Putumayo up to Tumaco-Nariño’s port with temporary connection with Ecuador.


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Author Biography

Richard Iván López Zambrano, Universidad de Nariño

Economista, tesis meritoria, Universidad de Nariño. Investigador, Grupo de Investigación Frontera Sur adscrito a la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas de la Universidad de Nari- ño, Dirección postal: Ciudadela Universitaria Torobajo – Calle 18 Cr 50 PBX: (2)-7311449 Pasto, Colombia. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Ortiz Ramos, M. I., & López Zambrano, R. I. (2014). TLC economic impact of Colombia - United States department Nariño (Part II). Tendencias, 15(1), 35–62.