Colombia 2000-2013: relationship between economic growth and international trade




international trade links, Colombian economy, Colombian social and economic conditions


Taking into account main features from the immediate Colombian economic and social history, namely from 2000 to 2013, this study analyses relationships among major economic variables, especially economic growth and international trade links. In order to present a more complete picture, this research incorporates the study of annual rate of inflation and rates of unemployment, as well. Colombian economic policy, mostly since the implementation of political measures based on the “Washington Consensus” has reinforced the role of exports as a crucial factor to obtain economic growth. The main argument of this research is that –rather than the quantum of exports– is the price of products in the international area the primary responsible for improving international trade relationships.


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Author Biographies

Giovanni Efraín Reyes Ortiz, Universidad del Rosario

Giovanni E. Reyes, Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh/Harvard; Profesor Titular, Escuela de Administración, Universidad del Rosario, Colombia.

Isabella Loaiza Saa, Centro Libertad y Emprendimiento

Investigadora integrante del Harvard's Rethinking the MBA in Latin America, y del Centro Libertad y Emprendimiento.


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How to Cite

Reyes Ortiz, G. E., & Saa, I. L. (2014). Colombia 2000-2013: relationship between economic growth and international trade. Tendencias, 15(1), 131–144.