Virtual learning assessment at the virtual University of Nariño


  • Mónica Patricia Cerón Benavides U. de Nariño



Virtual Learning Environment, AVA, Virtual Education, Assessment


The purpose of this paper is to propose a methodology for the evaluation of a virtual learning environment from the perspective of the student. The previous statement underlines the proposal of virtual education from the Virtual University of Nariño as it is necessary and essential, in the sense of achieving overall visibility in the experience earned by learners in these environments. This methodology should not be seen as a whole, but on the contrary, as a proposal that can be modified over time. It is prepared to face the emerging developments, changes, crossbreeding of knowledge and different languages and cultures that characterize every being. The information obtained from applying an evaluative strategy to students allows from a critical stance: review the adequacy and relevance of the monitoring processes and institutional assessment to promote the vision and experience of the users to identify weaknesses and to turn them into opportunities for improvement. All this is consistent and meets the mission of the University of Nariño, which is committed to a quality higher education.


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Author Biography

Mónica Patricia Cerón Benavides, U. de Nariño

Licenciada en Informática (U. de Nariño). Investigadora grupo e-TIC. Máster en Tecnología Educativa y Gestión del Conocimiento (U. de Lleida). Colombiana. Email:





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How to Cite

Cerón Benavides, M. P. (2015). Virtual learning assessment at the virtual University of Nariño. Tendencias, 16(1), 34–50.