Investigative skills in teachers benefited by the training strategy for educational access and appropriation of the it


  • Luis Eduardo Paz Saavedra Universidad de Nariño



Education, teachers, skills, education politics


This paper presents the results of a research conducted in the departments of Cauca, Nariño and Putumayo, after the completion of a training program offered by Computadores para Educar and the University of Nariño in the course “Pedagogical Appropriation of the IT”. This study approaches the improvement of investigative skills after the completion of the mentioned training and the development of classroom teaching projects in which it’s expected to find a solution for issues relevant from a teachers and students point of view. Among the analyzed aspects, are highlighted the attitude that teachers have towards the role of the IT in the research process, how these technologies contribute to research activities and specific skills that are strengthened in this field. Additionally, the factors that impact the process are discussed; likewise, the opportunities and challenges to be considered in the seek to strengthen such skills as well as relevant elements when it comes to integrating the IT into school curriculums in order to improve the chances of scholar research development.


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Author Biography

Luis Eduardo Paz Saavedra, Universidad de Nariño

Magister en informática Educativa, Máster en Tecnología Multimedia Licenciado en Informática, Especialista en Docencia Universitaria, Docente tiempo Completo Universidad de Nariño. Director proyecto Computadores para Educar – UDENAR. Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Paz Saavedra, L. E. (2015). Investigative skills in teachers benefited by the training strategy for educational access and appropriation of the it. Tendencias, 16(1), 175–194.