Elements for building an instrument to measure entrepreneurship in last term bachelor students





question prioritizing, expert opinion, entrepreneurship, business creation


The main goal of this paper is to build an instrument to identify factors influencing entrepreneurship in Quindío department’s (Colombia) last term, face to face bachelor students, using the Theory of Planned Behavior of Ajzen. An initial survey is designed based on literature review, the survey is later validated by 14 experts’ opinions and questions are prioritized by 51 “student judges”, to select, by using the quartiles method, those that they discriminate. The result is a refined survey that includes family and personal issues ítemes, questions in the following dimensions: Social rules, Image and Values, Beliefs, Aspects that motivate business creation and Obstacles, and questions about resources. The results of conducting this survey, are part of the “Factors that influence entrepreneurship in university students of Quindío department (Colombia) research project.


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Author Biographies

Edwin Tarapuez Chamorro, Universidad del Quindío

Doctorando en Ciencias Económicas (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina). Docente asociado de la Universidad del Quindío. Email: eitarapuez@uniquindio.edu.co.

María Dolly García González, Universidad del Quindío

3. Magíster en Matemáticas (Universidad Nacional de Colombia). Docente titular de la Universidad del
Quindío. Email: mdgarcia@uniquindio.edu.co

Nélida Castellano, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

4. Doctora en Ciencias Económicas (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina). Profesora Titular por Concurso de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina). Email: ncastell@eco.unc.edu.ar


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How to Cite

Tarapuez Chamorro, E., García González, M. D., & Castellano, N. (2015). Elements for building an instrument to measure entrepreneurship in last term bachelor students. Tendencias, 16(2), 209–227. https://doi.org/10.22267/rtend.151602.28