Approximation of a regional corporate social responsibility experience in southwestern Colombia
Corporate Social Responsibility, Socially Responsible Region, Northern CaucaAbstract
Today is important articulation of different actors around regional social responsibility experiences that contribute to local development, given the multiple needs of the regions that can not be resolved by a single actor. This articulation is an opportunity to build projects from multiple perspectives and local capacities. Therefore, research groups and Humanism Management and Security and Strategic Thinking of the Universidad del Valle, pose a research that aims to identify and make visible progress, achievements, lessons learned, difficulties and challenges in the consolidation of the experience of region socially responsible in northern Cauca. To do an exploratory and descriptive qualitative approach where techniques are used as in-depth interviews, focus groups and workshops with the actors collective development of the region is performed. The results show that the strategy has contributed to the visibility of the region and the construction of joint projects with the greatest impact with the participation of entrepreneurs, institutions and government. Difficulties as to achieve institutional agreements on some issues and procurement and provision of funds by the national government are recognized, to solve local problems. This allows for reflection on learning experiences, challenges and difficulties but they are individuals can be an example for other regions who are interested in joint around joint projects.
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