Of philosophical thought on the freedoms of coercion and conditioning of freedoms and political rights: Venezuela case


  • Carol Herrera Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela




Constitutional Supremacy, Rule of Law and Social Justice, Participative Democracy, Freedoms, politic rights


The catalog of social, civil, and politic rights on Venezuela it has been signed for the progressive throw the philosophical disposition raised at the Supreme Congress of Venezuela at 1811. Based on philosophical thought about the freedoms the background of Constituent National Assembly of 1999 and the philosophic, social and historic beginning which determinate “The participative and protagonist Democracy” beginning and “The rule of Law and social justice” in the Constitution, under the premise of rights, freedom, equality, property, security and justice, allows citizens, in theory, the enjoyment of their rights. The actually Constitutions defines the democratic system like “Rule of law and social” that suppose like fundament the equality between the citizens to exercise their politics duties and rights. The analysis of the elements comprising the participative democracy and the rights it conclude the advent post-constitutional of the parallel state called “Communal State” after the enacting zoning laws aimed citizens participation under the ideology of official sector and the not accepted the decision of the human rights and the judgment of the Inter-American Court of Human rights.


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Author Biography

Carol Herrera, Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela

Doctorando del programa: La Unión Europea: problemas actuales en Derecho español y Derecho internacional” UNED. – Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela- Email: cmonserrat1@yahoo.com


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How to Cite

Herrera, C. (2016). Of philosophical thought on the freedoms of coercion and conditioning of freedoms and political rights: Venezuela case. Tendencias, 17(1), 154–173. https://doi.org/10.22267/rtend.161701.18