Labor motivation graduates of business administration program at the University of Nariño




Work motivation, Human talent, Achievement, Power and Affiliation, McClelland


Motivation allows people to pursue the fulfillment of certain objectives, and therefore the motivation in a particular activity has a direct impact on the way to manage their actions to achieve them. In the work field motivation becomes important because it affects directly the performance of the assigned activity and consequently in the operation of the company or organization where the employee belongs. Therefore the aim of this research is to determine the status of motivational needs expressed by McClelland of graduates of business administration program at the University of Narino, because these will define both their individual goals and the way they relate socially and thus their job performance, this will not only impact on the company but also in the welfare of the employee, for that reason is important a good management of diverse needs not only at the enterprise level but also in the academia. To set the different needs logarithmic trends, second-degree polynomials, and correlation coefficients was performed.


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Author Biography

Oscar Hernando Benavides Paz, Universidad de Nariño

Magister en Administración de Empresas (MBA) y Especialista en Finanzas de la Universidad del Valle, Economista Universidad de Nariño. Profesor Asociado adscrito al Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Finanzas de la Universidad de Nariño.


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How to Cite

Benavides Paz, O. H. (2017). Labor motivation graduates of business administration program at the University of Nariño. Tendencias, 18(1), 41–54.