The corporate social responsibility and the strategic approach of the organization: two sectors empirical evidence


  • Mario Enrique Uribe Macías Universidad del Tolima



Corporate social responsibility, strategic approach, industry, financial sector


The aim of the paper is to analyze the results related to the strategic approach to corporate social responsibility in the industrial and financial sectors of Ibague, product of two research projects of descriptive type in which the information was collected through a questionnaire, the first part deals with the strategic approach, base of the article, with descriptive analysis. The findings show that in the industrial sector there is not a set of CSR activities from the perspective of the organizational structure and strategy, as happens in the financial sector. The main conclusion is stated that the results in terms of the strategic approach are very different between the two sectors studied, by the specific conditions of each.


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Author Biography

Mario Enrique Uribe Macías, Universidad del Tolima

Magíster en Administración del ITESM. Profesor titular de la Universidad del Tolima. Integrante del grupo de investigación GIDEUT. E-mail:, Colombia


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How to Cite

Uribe Macías, M. E. (2018). The corporate social responsibility and the strategic approach of the organization: two sectors empirical evidence. Tendencias, 19(1), 113–139.