The Knowledge Management in the Organizations and the Regions: A review of the Literature


  • Omaira Calvo Giraldo Universidad del Cauca



Knowledge management, regions, knowledge organization


This document presents a literature review, taking as the central focus the knowledge management and its development at the business and the regional level. This documentary research was conducted under the project “Human Resources Training Network for Social and Productive Innovation in the department of Cauca” with the aim of becoming a reference for the formulation of a master’s degree in Knowledge Management and Innovation at the University of Cauca. In the first part there is the conceptualization, the main approaches and the most representative authors. The second part presents the application of knowledge management in knowledge-based organizations and major topics associated with this field. Finally, there is the knowledge management at the regional level. Here the role of knowledge in regional development, major regional innovation models and models of knowledge management for management in the regions are presented.


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Author Biography

Omaira Calvo Giraldo, Universidad del Cauca

Magíster en Estudios Interdisciplinarios del Desarrollo, Universidad del Cauca. Magíster en Emprendimiento y Desarrollo Empresarial, Universidad de Girona. Investigadora de la Universidad del Cauca.


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How to Cite

Calvo Giraldo, O. (2018). The Knowledge Management in the Organizations and the Regions: A review of the Literature. Tendencias, 19(1), 140–163.