Articulation of the systems of quality, national Council of Accreditation (CNA) and standards NTC - ISO 9001 for academic programs of higher education in public institutions


  • Ingrid Brigitt González Muñoz Universidad de Nariño
  • Carlos Arturo Ramírez Universidad de Nariño



Quality, Programs Undergraduate Higher Education, Accreditation, Articulation, NTC GP 1000, 2009, ISO 9001, 2015


Undergraduate programmes of public higher education, the colombianwill face two quality management systems to approximate a value judgment about the excellence of the education provided and the impact on society: on the one hand are the guidelines for accreditation of undergraduate programs and the standards of quality ISO 9001:2015 and NTC GP 1000:2009.

Also, you must take the exam before institutions as disparate as the Ministry of National Education and the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards ICONTEC. This situation leads to a certain extent fragmented perspectives on the level of quality of the undergraduate programs of higher education, which leads to give more importance to one system to another.

This article aims to unify the two systems of quality, in a matrix of congruence, in such a way to include requirements of ISO standards and NTC on factors CNA.

This article is the product of a research and collect the first results of the same, in which a review was conducted of systemic standards of quality in education, actively participated in processes of self-evaluation and accreditation, and has consulted experts in both quality systems.


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Author Biographies

Ingrid Brigitt González Muñoz, Universidad de Nariño

Estudiante Décimo Semestre Administración de Empresas, Universidad De Nariño. Monitora Aseguramiento de la Calidad, Administración de Empresas, Universidad De Nariño. Email:, Colombia.

Carlos Arturo Ramírez, Universidad de Nariño

Especialista en Mercadeo, Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano. Docente investigador, Administración de Empresas, Universidad De Nariño. Email:, Colombia


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How to Cite

González Muñoz, I. B., & Ramírez, C. A. (2018). Articulation of the systems of quality, national Council of Accreditation (CNA) and standards NTC - ISO 9001 for academic programs of higher education in public institutions. Tendencias, 19(1), 187–203.