Cosmovisions and ancestral practices of the pastos to build regional peace
cosmovisions, diversity, the Pastos, peace, ancestral practicesAbstract
This article is oriented to the interpretative analysis of the cosmovisions and ancestral practices of the “Pastos” around the pachamama, minga, religiosity, regional tales and the black and white carnivals, with the aim of resizing their epistemological and pedagogical contributions in theconstruction of regional peace. Within the framework of the qualitative research paradigm and the ethnographic approach, participant observation techniques, in-depth interviews, informal conversations and documentary review for the collections of information were used. Six teachers from the University of Nariño were interviewed, sociocultural practices were observed in five municipalities, magazines and books were reviewed. The results obtained are valuable and relevant to: make visible the productive and economic collectivism; assess the minga or borrowed hands based on the social fabric; understand that popular religiosity holds sacred respect to nature, to the absolute and to the neighbor; understand that humor in laughter, joy, recreation and happiness; and that the carnival is a mestizo, multi-ethnic and intercultural party.
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