Towards the management and financial and fiscal sanitation of the municipalities of the department of Antioquia


  • Gleidy Alexandra Urrego Estrada Universidad CES
  • Jahir Alexander Gutiérrez Ossa Universidad CES



Financial management, fiscal management, municipal financial sanitation.


Since the Political Constitution of 1991, the administration of financial resources in Colombia is a central objective of fiscal decentralization, while financial planning and execution is focused on efficiency, effectiveness and results, to consolidate managerial capacities to departmental and municipal scale of fiscal sustainability. The present document aims to approach the qualitative analysis of the collection capacity (income), taxation conditions (Taxes) and the consolidation of a financial structure (sanitation), which allows to maintain the equilibrium relationship between debt, expenses and the budget of the municipalities of the department of Antioquia. The methodological strategy is qualitative, with a deductive method, based on two phases: i) bibliographic review of normative sources such as Law 1551 of 2012 (Economic Condition) in conjunction with Law 1454 (Ordinance) of 2011 and ii) Content analysis of the same. As main conclusions: the constitutional baggage of 91 was not clear regarding the generation of territorial taxes. It is in default to understand the territorial effectiveness of the fiscal and financial legislation, required, so that an efficient structure of financial and fiscal performance can be established that allows fulfilling constitutional commitment expressed in article 311.


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How to Cite

Urrego Estrada, G. A., & Gutiérrez Ossa, J. A. (2018). Towards the management and financial and fiscal sanitation of the municipalities of the department of Antioquia. Tendencias, 19(2), 113–137.