Power and organizations: reflections from Weber, Foucault, Luhmann and Bourdieu


  • Nelson Álvarez Marín Universidad Central




Power; organizations; formal power; informal power; communication.


This article aims through an analysis about the power in business organizations, and starting from the positions assumed in this regard by thinkers like Weber, Foucault, Luhmann, Bourdieu and some others, elucidate on certain aspects concerning the formation of some of the tools and elements that accompany the construction and constitution of legalized and hierarchized formal power, using what is understood by “their truths” to direct individuals conditioning them towards the ends of the organization. Likewise, the legitimized informal power and the product of the interrelations of the actions of the individuals in the organization are studied. In addition, we observe the current dynamics of organizational transformation from the communication and information of a legalized and less coercive formal power, towards a greater legitimized informal power, but more creative and innovative in organizations.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Marín, N. (2019). Power and organizations: reflections from Weber, Foucault, Luhmann and Bourdieu. Tendencias, 20(1), 226–253. https://doi.org/10.22267/rtend.192001.115