Critical thinking and its proposals from the philosophy of education, sociology, and teaching techniques on audit and control spheres


  • Diego Felipe Arbeláez C
  • Lucelly Correa Cruz
  • Lillyam López Pino


Teaching, learning, critical thinking, communication, humanization, transformation and contextualization


The way we live now days presents constant challenges that alter our perceptions of reality which influence professional training purposes, in this way the concept of context is assumed as a Giroux approach, such as those interpretations of reality, which are internalized by the individual through the socialization process, so it is considered that the social, cultural and educational directly permeates internal representations and attitudes towards life.

Therefore thinking of accounting education in particular the area of audit and control, leads us to reflect on alternatives to traditional education imparted in training public accountant and business manager from the teaching and learning process.

Consequently, a reflection from the perspective of critical thinking, the contributions: philosophical, psychological, sociological, pedagogical and didactic about the practice of teaching auditing in the department of Accounting, Economics and Management of the Amazon University, also to promote critical thinking, collaborative work and interaction between the various actors, subjects and objects of education to contribute to autonomy and democracy from an interactive and technological teaching approach.


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How to Cite

Arbeláez C, D. F., Correa Cruz, L., & López Pino, L. (2013). Critical thinking and its proposals from the philosophy of education, sociology, and teaching techniques on audit and control spheres. Tendencias, 13(2), 199–213. Retrieved from