Conditions of multidimentional poverty in the Municipality of Ancuya, Nariño, 2019. An alternative approacht
multidimensional poverty, social survey, sociocultural variables, economic variables, political variables, institutional variablesAbstract
Based on the conception of the heterogeneity of the conditions of the different territories, a social survey was designed that involves the multidimensionality of both the individual and the community, based on theoretical elements from neoclassical theory involving income, expenses and consumption together with heterodox theories such as Sen, Max Neef and Sabogal, among others, in order to establish the conditions of poverty with social, cultural, economic, political and institutional variables in the Municipality of Ancuya in the year 2019, for which estimated multidimensional poverty using Logit probabilistic models. Among the findings, it stands out that, through monetary poverty, 58.86% of the population is estimated as non-poor, 25.71% as poor and 15.43% as extremely poor, while in terms of multidimensional poverty in the category of non-poor is located at 54.76%, for poor a 24.21% and for extremely poor a 21.04%.
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