
  • Emilio José Chaves Universidad de Nariño


Functional Fitting Lorenz Curves, Statistical Inference Methods, Continuous Univariate Distributions, Descending Ordering


It focuses Vilfredo Pareto and Otto Lorenz contributions on income inequality around their data ordering perspective. As a result, the paper elaborates an heterodox method to infer non-parametric functional Lorenz Curves (LC) from scarce empirical quantils and/or grouped data, based in 2 main points: 1) Descending data ordering; 2) Logarithmic data analysis to infer a structural functional-vector, F(x), key component present in the obtained functional LC, and in the functional Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) derived curve. Aparently, it is time to recommend a complementary revision of this sector of statistics. Given its significance for research methods in several fields, ideas here advanced might be of help in the future to structuring possible new trends in general theory, practices and teaching procedures of this sector of continuous univariatedistributions, inside the conceptual framework of the Lorenz Curves.


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How to Cite

Chaves, E. J. (2013). CURVAS FUNCIONALES DE LORENZ: ANÁLISIS DATUAL E INFERENCIAS. Tendencias, 10(2), 77–118. Retrieved from

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