conceptions, contents, didactic processes, natural sciences, environ¬mental issuesAbstract
This article shows the main results of the proyect “Teaching Natural Sciences and Environmental Education in Official Schools of the Department of Nariño” (Project “C” COLCIENCIAS, 2007 and 2008. The main reason is to identify the importance that natural sciences and environmental education receive from teachers and students within public schools. Fourteen educational centers were evaluated taking into account attitudes, context, social and cultural conditions toward both topics under analysis. Main questions that were examined were related to chief believes, attitudes, in what way teachers and students interact about natural sciences and environmental topics. Fundamental theoretical aspects were derived from the works of Investigación Acción (IA), Fals Borda (1978, 1991, 1995), Stenhouse (1981) and Elliot (1999). What this study was looking for was how students and teachers approach to the apprehension processes of learning; by doing this we were able to have ideas concerning the collective imaginary scene and its dynamics that teachers and students have.Downloads
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