Board of directors and financial performance. A bibliometric study




bibliometrics, board of directors, firm performance, management, company


This work analyzes the evolution of scientific research on "boards of directors" or so-called "directories" and their relationship with "financial results of companies". It proposes a bibliometric analysis based on magazines indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) until the year 2019, allowing to evidence the relevance it has had for companies and the scientific world. Methodologically, 4,468 articles of the business area were initially analyzed, filtering the search of at least one of the key words, finding 3,302 publications since 1988. Bibliometric techniques supported by the VOSviewer software were applied. Among the results, it stands out that the publications are concentrated in 637 magazines, with the highest production between 2009 and 2019, equivalent to 80.8% of the total. Three high impact journals concentrate the largest number of publications. Europe leads the scientific production, standing out the academic Isabel María García Sánchez and the most quoted author David Yermack. The most cited key words are corporate governance, directors and performance. New potential lines of research on diversity, women, and characteristics of CA are observed, such as the case study of emerging countries and family businesses.


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Author Biographies

Luis Améstica-Rivas, Bío-Bío University

Doctor in Business Administration and Management, Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Academic Department of Business Management, FACE, Bío-Bío University. ORCiD: 0000-0003-0482-0287. E-mail:, Chile.

Andrea King-Domínguez, Bío-Bío University

Master in Administration, mention in Financial Management, University of Chile. Academic Dept. of Economy and Finance, FACE, Bío-Bío University. ORCiD: 00002-1063-4336. E-mail:, Chile.

Carlos Cruzat Valenzuela, Bío-Bío University

Graduate in Administrative Sciences, Bío-Bío Universidad. Master's Program in Business Management (MGE), Bío-Bío University. ORCiD: 0000-0002-5495-7313. E-mail:, Chile.

Constanza Stuardo Solar, Bío-Bío University

Degree in Administrative Sciences, Bío-Bío University. Master's Program in Business Management (MGE), Bío-Bío University. ORCiD: 0000-0001-6384-6191. E-mail:, Chile.


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How to Cite

Améstica-Rivas, L., King-Domínguez, A., Cruzat Valenzuela, C., & Stuardo Solar, C. (2021). Board of directors and financial performance. A bibliometric study. Tendencias, 22(1), 180–203.