Territorial development and solidarity economy: analysis from the concept of development, the environment and the incorporation of the communities in a strategy of territorial development





communities, alternative economy, solidarity economy, territorial development, environment


This article proposes a framework of analysis to articulate territorial development with the solidarity economy. It is considered that territorial development has a close relationship with the idea of economic growth, but also allows for the exploration of alternative positions. Consequently, the solidarity economy is the alternative view that is analyzed to offer to territorial development another approach different from the market economy. For this purpose, methodologically, an analysis of academic publications is made from three dimensions: the idea of development, the environment and communities. At the same time, the main approaches to both territorial development and the solidarity economy are analyzed in order to explore their meeting points. It is found that the solidarity economy has a framework of analysis that allows to guide territorial development strategies from an alternative perspective to the market economy. It is concluded that territorial development is a framework of analysis under construction and therefore can be nourished by the contributions of the solidarity economy. The article is part of a research project funded by the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia.


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Author Biographies

Helmer Fernando Llanez Anaya, Cooperative University of Colombia

Master in Interdisciplinary Studies on Development, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. Professor at the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Cooperative University of Colombia. ORCiD: 00002-3156-3813. E-mail: helmerf.llanez@campusucc.edu.co, Colombia.

Claudia Patricia Sacristán Rodríguez, Cooperative University of Colombia

Doctor in Social Economy, University of Valencia, Spain. Professor at the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Cooperative University of Colombia. ORCiD: 0000-0002-0254-498X. E-mail: claudia.sacristanr@campusucc.edu.co, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Llanez Anaya, H. F., & Sacristán Rodríguez, C. P. (2021). Territorial development and solidarity economy: analysis from the concept of development, the environment and the incorporation of the communities in a strategy of territorial development. Tendencias, 22(1), 254–278. https://doi.org/10.22267/rtend.202102.163