




The number 1 edition of volume XXII of the year 2021, eight research articles, five review articles and one corresponding to the special section, university life.

The first research article RELATION BETWEEN THE ENVIRONMENTAL ATTITUDE AND THE PURCHASE OF SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PRODUCTS IN THE CONSUMERS OF MEDELLÍN, COLOMBIA, written by Diana María López Celis of the Konrad Lorenz University and Mónica Eugenia Peñalosa Otero of the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University, address the responsible consumption issue and its relationship with the environment. The research was carried out in the city of Medellín - Colombia and 390 people over 18 years of age were surveyed. Data analysis was carried out, the results of which yielded interesting aspects such as a change in people's buying behavior, with a view to preserving the environment.

In second place is the article EFFECTS OF THE FEATURES OF VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE THAT INCREASE THEIR POPULARITY: AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS by Carlos Fernando Osorio Andrade, Augusto Rodríguez Orejuela, Fernando Moreno Betancourt, professors at the Universidad del Valle, make an immersion in the world of multimedia platforms and use YouTube as a source of information to analyse the effect of some aspects such as: the strategy of the message, the consistency of the brand and the technical characteristics of the video on the popularity or download of videos corresponding to 4 cell phone companies , specifically Tigo, Movistar, Claro , Avantel.

Third, in the article TYPOLOGIES OF POVERTY IN CALI: AN ANALYSIS BASED ON SISBEN, written by María Isabel Caicedo Hurtado and María Castillo Valencia of the Universidad del Valle in Colombia, a comparative study of the poverty conditions of the people surveyed by the Identification System of Potential Beneficiaries of Social Programs (SISBEN) for 2009 and 2019. This information is used to estimate the different types of poverty, based on the monetary poverty line and basic needs dissatisfied households in the city of Cali. The conclusions are very interesting in that there is evidence of an impoverishment of the people who enter the SISBEN and the inclusion of the poor in communes or neighborhoods of the city that had not previously been registered.

In the fourth article ANALYSIS OF VENEZUELAN MIGRATION IN THE CITY OF PASTO: CHARACTERISTICS AND PERCEPTIONS OF MIGRANTS written by Bayron Paz Noguera; Oscar Alpala Ramos; Evelyn Villota Vivas, presents a socioeconomic characterization of the Venezuelan migrants who are in the city of Pasto and includes the reasons that led them to leave their country. For the research, which is also exploratory, a survey was applied to 180 people in which questions were included that allowed conclusions to be drawn regarding the situation of migrants in the city. It is interesting in that it shows empirically that some reasons for the exodus are insecurity, poverty and discontent with the government of Nicolás Maduro.

In the fifth place is presented the article ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND DESIGN: CHARACTERIZATION OF ENTREPRENEURIAL INITIATIVES OF INDUSTRIAL DESIGNERS by María Cristina Ascuntar Rivera and Francisco Rafael Ayala Gallardo who make an analysis of the entrepreneurial initiatives of the students of the industrial design program of the University de Nariño in Colombia, which is presented as one of the degree options at this institution. The documentary review is established for a period of 18 years (2000-2018), 201 research projects were reviewed in different modalities of which only 5% corresponded to the modality of business creation. It is concluded that it is necessary to strengthen entrepreneurship and the modality of business creation, among other recommendations.

In the sixth research article, BUSINESS INTENTION AND CULTURAL DIMENSIONS IN MASTER'S STUDENTS IN ADMINISTRATION IN COLOMBIA written by Edwin Ignacio Tarapuez Chamorro, Juan Manuel Aristizábal Tamayo and Adriana Patricia Uribe Urán, the dependence between business intention and the cultural dimensions of MBA students in Colombia, based on Hofstede's studies on culture, and as reference two variables: ease of doing business, included in the Doing Business study of the World Bank (2013) and the assessment of the entrepreneurial environment in Colombia contained in the General Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). For the research, a non-probabilistic survey was applied to 485 people from 36 face-to-face programs in 14 cities in Colombia divided between high income and low income, obtaining interesting results regarding the six dimensions studied.

In the seventh research article CONSUMER DECISION MAKING AND CONSERVATION IN COSTA RICA presented by Pablo Andrés Sánchez Campos, an analysis of the consumer decision-making of respondents in Costa Rica and the influence of conservatism in this type of decision is carried out. The data are analyzed using statistical techniques and instruments that provide interesting conclusions to the investigation.

In the eighth research article SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING EN EMPRESAS AGRÍCOLAS CUBANAS written by Rudibel Perdigón Llanes and Hubert Viltres Sala, the importance of the use of social networks and the Internet for increasing profits and the visibility of companies is taken up. In the investigation, information was collected from 61 companies of the Agricultural Business Group of the Ministry of Agriculture of Cuba, concluding that it is necessary to reinforce their positioning due to their low index of digital positioning, which hinders their economic growth.

Within the group of review articles is the one presented by Luis Améstica Rivas, Andrea King Domínguez, Carlos Cruzat Valenzuela, and Constanza Stuardo Solar from the Universidad de Chile called ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE COUNCIL. A BIBLIOMETRIC STUDY. The authors carried out an interesting review of 4,468 articles related to the business area, using bibliometric techniques supported by the VOSviewer software, in order to establish the importance and relationship between decision-making by Boards of Directors and financial performance of the companies.

The second review article is the one presented by Claudia Magali Solarte Solarte, Martha Lida Solarte Solarte, Gloria Alicia Rivera Vallejo of the Universidad Cesmag located in Colombia called THE ROLE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN CONFLICT AND POSTCONFLICT: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF LITERATURE. With the help of specialized databases such as Scopus, Scielo, Redalyc, Science Direct and Google Scholar, the authors explored some general terms related to entrepreneurship, in view of their interest in determining how entrepreneurship becomes a possible alternative of productive reintegration for ex-combatants and victims of the armed conflict in different countries of the world.

In the third review article, TOURIST COMPETITIVENESS. AN APPROACH FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF BOYACÁ, COLOMBIA written by Ana Milena Serrano Amado, Luz A. Montoya Restrepo, Nidia Paola Amado Cely, the determining factors of the competitiveness of tourist destinations in the Province of Sugamuxi were identified, using the Crouch and Ritchie model. Some existing competitiveness models were reviewed and interesting conclusions were established with a view to generating a growing tourism dynamic in said province.

In the fourth review article, TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT AND SOLIDARITY ECONOMY: ANALYSIS FROM THE CONCEPT OF DEVELOPMENT, THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE INCORPORATION OF COMMUNITIES IN A TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY, the authors Helmer Fernando Llanez Anaya and Claudia Patricia Sacristán Rodríguez, propose a analysis framework to articulate territorial development and the solidarity economy from three dimensions: the idea of development, the environmental dimension and the incorporation of communities in a territorial development strategy. For them, they conducted a document review using databases such as Redalyc, Scielo, Research Gate, scopus and Web of Science through the metasearch engine of the Javeriana University library.

In the last review article OFERTA EXPORTABLE DEL CACAO FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF NARIÑO, (2010-2018), the authors Yhancy Eliana Coral Rojas, Gladys Omaira Melo Mosquera, Darlan Arley Agredo Madroñero and Jenny Katherine Moncayo Rosero, from the Universidad de Nariño in Colombia , carry out a secondary review on the cocoa sector in Colombia, using the general database of exports of Nariño of the official platform of the DIAN entity that presents the export declarations of each region in Colombia, the information platform of Legiscomex and the ranking tool by tariff subheading and by department of and the ordering variable in FOB value (US $). With the data obtained, some recommendations are established for the cocoa sector of the department of Nariño.


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Ximena Alexandra Ortega Ordónez - Editora Revista Tendencias



How to Cite

Ortega Ordóñez, X. A. (2021). Presentation. Tendencias, 22(1). Retrieved from

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