
  • Oscar Hernan Muñoz Universidad de Nariño


Work market, structures economic, demographic transition, demographic aging, labor participation, labor transition


The work markets play diverse roles in the modern economies. On the one hand, they allow to determine that so effective it is other the labor indirect factor and resource allocation in the society. On the other, they constitute one of the main mechanisms of obtaining of income on the part of the active population. For this reason, the work markets are in close relation with the distribution of income and the well-being of the population generally.

Following these conceptual lines, the main characteristics of the economy and the market of work in Colombia are explored during period 1950- 2005. In the first part, the evolution of the Colombian economic structure is investigated, placing special attention in the handling of the economic policy and its implications for the different productive sectors. In second, the problematic tendencies of the work market and their situations are analyzed. In third, a brief reference to the process becomes of labor transition and, finally, in the quarter some pertinent conclusions to the problematic one advance tried in the three first parts.


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How to Cite

Muñoz, O. H. (2013). COMPORTAMIENTO DE LA ECONOMIA Y DEL MERCADO DE TRABAJO EN COLOMBIA DURANTE EL PERIODO 1950-2005. Tendencias, 9(1), 68–100. Retrieved from