Exposure of personal brand through social media





communication, brand image, marketing, social media, advertising


The brand exposure constitutes a projection instrument of great impact, at present the use of social media becomes a great tool for the above, used by personal brands. Connecting people with followers is one of its great achievements, facilitating the achievement of its objectives as a brand. The objective of this research was to identify the factors that facilitate the exposure of a personal brand through the use of social networks and its subsequent use as an advertising medium. The methodology used is based on a qualitative approach and a semi-structured interview of twelve questions was used as a data collection instrument based on the contributions of the different authors specialized in corporate brand management. With the above, a rapprochement between theory and practice was generated by identifying the equivalence between the theoretical concepts and the testimonies of the participants. As the main finding, it was identified that the personal stamp from originality is the factor that drives the greatest drive to increase the exposure of a personal brand on social networks.


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Author Biography

Luis Enrique David Tenorio, I.U. National Sports School

Master in Marketing, University of Manizales. Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Administration, I.U. National Sports School. ORCiD: 0000-0002-5326-7353. E-mail: luis.david@endeporte.edu.co, Colombia.


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How to Cite

David Tenorio, L. E. (2021). Exposure of personal brand through social media. Tendencias, 22(2), 107–129. https://doi.org/10.22267/rtend.212202.170