Entrepreneurial intention in undergraduate students at the University of Nariño, Colombia
businessman, university students, Colombia, educational programsAbstract
This research addresses an analysis of the entrepreneurial intention in students who are completing their undergraduate studies at the University of Nariño and are part of professional programs related to world-class sectors. The type of research is exploratory and descriptive; It is intended to explore and describe what are the behavioral, normative and controlled beliefs of students and how these beliefs influence entrepreneurial intention. The information was obtained from a sample of 293 students belonging to different undergraduate programs. The results indicate that in most of the students who participated in the research, there is a high entrepreneurial intention. Their close environment, especially family, encourages them to create their own company, but they consider factors such as little state support, the limitations that the university has to provide adequate spaces to generate business ideas and ignorance of ideation methodologies, negatively affect your entrepreneurial intention.
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