Experimental audiovisual production with students of the University of Nariño: analysis of the creative Process





university cathedra, university students, filming, creative processes, experimental video


Pasto is an artistic-artisanal city by nature, taking into account the creative environment by which it is influenced, for thisreason, it is important to identify which creative processes are developed in students in the "VisualizARTE: Audiovisual Expression of Being" at the University of Nariño, when creating experimental videos, being this a space where you can bias and differ the rules established by the cinema, where the purpose is only aesthetic and commercial; the experience of teaching the VisualizARTE chair previously, shows that students during six months can strengthen their creation processes, likewise, several studies point out that the constant immersion in an area of creation from the context can be very useful to develop their individual and autonomous creative processes. In this way, a hermeneutic phenomenological analysis of the students' personal experiences will be made to obtain a subjective vision of the process of making their experimental videos, deepening in the essential meanings of the pedagogical experiences of the professorship; proposing the identification of the creative processes developed during the making of experimental videos, as a contribution to future research focused on the same subject with university students.


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Author Biography

Luis Carlos Zambrano Aguirre, Universidad de Nariño

Magíster en Educación, Universidad de Nariño. Docente Unidad de Formación Humanística, Universidad de Nariño. ORCiD: 0000-0003-2486-691X. E-mail: lucaz1995@udenar.edu.co, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Zambrano Aguirre, L. C. (2022). Experimental audiovisual production with students of the University of Nariño: analysis of the creative Process. Tendencias, 23(2), 356–378. https://doi.org/10.22267/rtend.222302.212