Perception of tourism stakeholders due to the effects of covid-19. Case of municipal territories in Antioquia - Colombia




business management, Covid-19, domestic workers, local government, perception, service industry


The measures taken to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus affected the world economy and in particular the tourism sector. The stoppage of activities resulted in a drastic drop in its operations, also impacting on the perception that tourism actors have in the process of economic recovery. The research sought to identify the perception of the actors in the tourism sector chain about the impacts generated by Covid-19 in the Jericó and Jardín municipalities, located southwest of Medellín-Colombia, with a qualitative and interpretive approach which tends to understand , interpretation and perception of the realities of tourism service providers. The design was cross-sectional, not experimental, and the phenomenological method was used. Direct effects were evident mainly in the sustainability and permanence of the companies in the sector, financial and income weakness, which generated unemployment in the region. Finally, the tourism companies located in these two municipalities do not have action and response plans to these external threats, which leads to decisions such as reducing staff, closing and liquidating the companies in the short term and the feeling of not having the support of public institutions.


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Author Biographies

Luis Fernando Quintero Arango, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

PhD in Projects from the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana, Mexico. Research Professor, Faculty of Economic, Administrative and Accounting Sciences, Luis Amigó Catholic University. ORCiD: 0000-0002-6268-065X. E-mail:, Medellín - Colombia.

Deiwi Jesús Zurbarán Arias, Universidad Externado de Colombia

PhD in Management from the Caribbean International University, Netherlands Antilles, Curaçao. Research Coordinator, Faculty of Business, Tourism and Hotel Administration, Externado de Colombia University. ORCiD: 0000-0002-6321-2217. E-mail:, Bogotá - Colombia.

Sairi Tatiana Piñeros, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

PhD in Geography from the University Paris I, Pantheon Sornbonne, Paris, France. Research Professor, National University of Colombia. ORCID: 0000-0002-2201-2358. E-mail:, Valledupar - Colombia.


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How to Cite

Quintero Arango, L. F., Zurbarán Arias, D. J., & Piñeros, S. T. (2023). Perception of tourism stakeholders due to the effects of covid-19. Case of municipal territories in Antioquia - Colombia. Tendencias, 24(1), 1–23.