Characterization and sustainability of the rural social entrepreneurship in associative agribusiness in the south of Nariño




agricultural company, agricultural cooperative, sustainable development, economic cooperation, innovative behavior


The present study allows to document and understand the management of social enterprises through agribusiness in rural associative groups. Aspects such as the characterization, the dynamics of operation and innovation, and the sustainability model of this type of venture are analyzed qualitatively. The research was carried out in the south of Nariño - Colombia, it was approached under a hermeneutic historical approach and of an interpretive descriptive order with an intentional sampling. The associations were selected based on the objectives and social mission, trajectory and agribusiness model. The information collected was approached using a thematic analysis to interpret the data collected. Therefore, the characteristics and impact of these groups in the community and region, the operation of agribusiness as an axis of innovation of the social objective and the sustainability of the venture that arises from the realities of the populations in their transit through this process were identified. With this research work it is concluded that studying a social enterprise from the associativity allows to identify opportunities and give them social and economic value through local development projects, which are strengthened with the integral work of agribusiness, promoting innovation and sustainability.


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Author Biography

Lizeth Johanna Villota-González, Universidad de Nariño

Master in Sustainable Development and Environment, University of Manizales. Professor of the Department of Plant Production and Health, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, member of the PIFIL Research Group, University of Nariño. ORCiD: 0000-0002-9444-0300. E-mail:, Pasto - Colombia.


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How to Cite

Villota-González, L. J. (2023). Characterization and sustainability of the rural social entrepreneurship in associative agribusiness in the south of Nariño. Tendencias, 24(1), 50–78.