Motivation and satisfaction of tourists visiting the Tatacoa desert – Colombia




pull factors, push factors, preferences, satisfaction, tourism


This article establishes the relationship of influence between the motivation and satisfaction of visitors to the Tatacoa desert in the Surcolombian region. The research was quantitative, with a deductive and descriptive approach. Thus, a survey was elaborated with Likert-type questions composed of nine dimensions for motivation and six dimensions for satisfaction. The reliability of the model was measured with Cronbach's alpha and the validity with the Confirmatory Factor Analysis, both of which obtained acceptable levels. The hypothesized model was evaluated using structural equations. The model obtained showed a positive and significant relationship between motivation and satisfaction (0.751; p < 0.00), indicating that the higher the level of motivation, the higher the level of satisfaction of domestic and foreign tourists. On the other hand, the correlations in the motivation dimensions of Rest (D) (0.848; p < 0.00), Knowledge (C) (0.786; p < 0.00), Access and Infrastructure (A-I) (0.829; p < 0.00) and Local Attractions (A) (0.787; p < 0.00), while for satisfaction they were Economy (Ec) (0.811; p < 0.00) and Infrastructure (In) (0.797; p < 0.00).


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Author Biographies

Juan Manuel Andrade Navia, Universidad Surcolombiana

PhD in Agroindustry, Universidad Surcolombiana. Professor at the Universidad Surcolombiana. ORCID: 0000-0001-9644-0040. E-mail:, Neiva - Colombia.

Juan José Sánchez Liévano, Universidad Surcolombiana

Master in Business Administration, Universidad Surcolombiana. Research assistant at Universidad Surcolombiana. ORCID: 0009-0006-1175-0757. E-mail:, Neiva - Colombia.

Elías Ramírez Plazas, Universidad Surcolombiana

Doctor in Business Administration, Universidad Libre de la Empresa y de las Tecnologías de Bruselas. Professor at the Universidad Surcolombiana. ORCID: 0000-0001-8928-1547. E-mail:, Neiva - Colombia.


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How to Cite

Andrade Navia, J. M., Sánchez Liévano, J. J., & Ramírez Plazas, E. (2024). Motivation and satisfaction of tourists visiting the Tatacoa desert – Colombia. Tendencias, 25(2), 113–142.