Including physical education professionals in the Colombian health care system: a governance approach




public management, public policies, disease prevention, health promotion, health policy


Introduction: The integration of physical education professionals into the Colombian health system emerges as a key strategy for public health promotion. This research article explores the importance of integrating these professionals from a governance approach. Objective: The main objective is to examine the integration of physical education professionals within the Colombian health system from the perspective of governance. Methodology: A descriptive analysis and a documentary review were employed to explore the existing literature on integrating physical education professionals into the Colombian health system. Results: The results highlight the ability of these professionals to provide preventive and therapeutic interventions based on physical exercise, as well as their potential to promote a holistic approach to health. Additionally, the integration of physical education professionals into the health system requires a clear regulatory framework, effective coordination among the involved actors, and continuous evaluation of the impact of their interventions on public health. Conclusions: This research emphasizes the importance of addressing this issue from a governance perspective to achieve optimal results in health promotion and disease prevention.


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Author Biographies

Jefferson García Buitrago, Universidad del Valle

PhD in Administration with a focus on Governance and Public Policies, Universidad del Valle. Faculty Member at Universidad del Valle. ORCID: 0000-0002-7793-5336. E-mail: Cali – Colombia.

Raúl Andrés Tabarquino Muñoz, Universidad del Valle

PhD in Administration, Universidad del Valle. Full Professor at Universidad del Valle. ORCID: 0000-0002-7866-1875. E-mail: Cali – Colombia.


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How to Cite

García Buitrago, J., & Tabarquino Muñoz, R. A. (2025). Including physical education professionals in the Colombian health care system: a governance approach. Tendencias, 26(1), 216–242.