Distribution and concentration in Marx –the pending statistical analysis–
Distribution, Concentration, Value Added, Capitalist crises, Marxist theory reviewAbstract
Marx spoke of inequality, distribution and concentration from accounting business concepts (profit, wages, fixed capital...) that are analytically insufficient unless mixed incomes are accepted and their respective receptors populations are known. These kind of data already existed in 1865 –he quoted them at least twice- but perhaps there were not good methods then to handle them. On the capitalist side, using similar tables, Vilfredo Pareto, 1898, made a “law” that was soon refuted; and Otto Lorenz, 1905, left a curve that was fixed in the 1950s. Main points are: 1) A model based on Lorenz curve is applied to marxist econometrics to obtain a deeper structural system criticism. 2) Besides VA and accumulated capital, the times of employment and iddleness are key finite objects of social distribution. 3) This theme is present In the struggle of social movements and there are wide spaces for proposal, innovation and advancement toward the feasible goal of the “world good living” with nature and among human beings.
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