Reform and university autonomy


  • Manuel E. Martínez R. Universidad de Nariño


Autonomy, Educational Project, General Statute, Manifesto, Reform, University Assembly


This paper proposes a hermeneutic-historical and legal reflection on the subject REFORM AND UNIVERSITY AUTONOMY, contextualized from delivery of Cordoba, known as the Manifesto, which was conceived in that city of the Argentina province in the early twentieth century (1918), and its impact on Latin America, particularly at the University of Nariño, given that since 2008 began a process of reform of the Alma Mater in its Statutes, in full exercise of their autonomy and democracy, as attributes recognized by the state and which echo the Ten Points peaked in that movement in the southern country. It highlights, in particular, the principle of university autonomy, enshrined in the Political Constitution of the country, whose study and interpretation has been made in light of Constitutional Law, Law 30 of 1992, the current General Statute and regulations issued by the Honorable Superior Council from the creation and shaping of the University Assembly as a mechanism for brokering this process, with the participation of all sectors that make up the university (teachers, students, employees, workers, retirees)... which has led to the formulation of the new Institutional Educational Project (PEI) approved by the Academic and Superior Councils, respectively, and is in the final stages of discussion, to be taken to the University Assembly, the General Statute Draft.


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Author Biography

Manuel E. Martínez R., Universidad de Nariño

Profesor titular, Facultad de Ciencias de la Administración, Universidad del Valle. luis.ordonez@

 Profesor titular, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales, Universidad del Valle. E–mail:

Napoleón sometió la autonomía a la ley del 10 de mayo de 1806 a las antiguas universidades francesas, nacidas con conciencia de autonomía frente a los poderes de todo orden; y las universidades quedaron sometidas a la plena injerencia del Estado y al servicio de las políticas oficiales, en el marco de modelo profesionalista proclive al confesionalismo ideológico-político.

Un equivalente del premio Nobel en matemáticas.

RAE: iniciales en inglés de Research Assesment System o Sistema de evaluación de la investigación. Equivalente al sistema de evaluación impuesto por Colciencias en Colombia





How to Cite

Martínez R., M. E. (2013). Reform and university autonomy. Tendencias, 14(1), 146–159. Retrieved from