Income-generating contribution of production systems for cocoa farming families, department of Caqueta




MCA, productive activities, cluster, farms.


The study was conducted in the department of Caqueta, in the municipality of Cartagena del Chaira, with the objective of evaluating the contribution of production systems to the income generation of cocoa farming families. Twenty two qualitative and quantitative variables were defined, which were grouped into five categories: (i) social characterization, (ii) farm characteristics, (iii) farm size and soil use, (iv) livestock production, (v) agricultural and forestry production. Based on the five categories, groups were generated from a Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA). Lastly, the groups formed three clusters that showed significant differences (P<0.05) between soil use and income generated from agropecuary activities. The large livestock farms showed pasture areas of 109.75 ha and annual incomes of $15.321.250 COP, originating from livestock activity. The small agricultural farms had forest areas of 48.78 ha and annual incomes of $1.170.000 COP derived from the forest. The medium agropecuary farms had agricultural crops with an area of 6.89 ha; however, these farms showed incomes of $2.052.916 COP that were unrelated to the agropecuary production. It can be concluded that the cocoa farming families require different income-generating production activities, given that the cocoa crop is a subsistence activity.


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How to Cite

Olaya, D. M. S., Velandia Tibáquira, O. G., & Suárez Salazar, J. C. (2015). Income-generating contribution of production systems for cocoa farming families, department of Caqueta. Revista De Ciencias Agrícolas, 32(1), 37–54.