Correlation between Students’ Beliefs about English Language Learning and their Academic Achievement in the Francisco de la Villota High School


  • Laura Estupiñan Molina Universidad de Nariño
  • Jesús Alirio Bastidas A Universiad de Nariño

Palabras clave:

students’ beliefs, English learning, academic achievement.


Language learners hold a set of beliefs concerning language learning and these beliefs may influence the ways they learn, even though the beliefs are not always explicitly stated (Erlenawati, 2002:1). The present study describes the correlation between students’ beliefs about English learning and their academic achievement in Francisco de la Villota High School. Data were gathered through a questionnaire, the students’ grades and an interview. Upon the examination of Pearson correlation results, it became clear that the beliefs that seemed to be correlated to the students’ academic achievement were (a) some people were born with a special ability to learn English; (b) everybody can learn English and, (c) women are better than men at learning English. The correlations were given in three different grades, showing that beliefs vary depending on other factors. Besides, the beliefs were negatively associated to the academic achievement which suggests the importance of teachers’ awareness and guidance on these inhibitive beliefs.


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