Sólo Soy Vargas Vila
international writer, solitary, prolific, passionate and rebelliousAbstract
During a stroll along the Rambla de Barcelona, discussing José María Vargas Vila, Barcelona poet Jesus Lizano (1931) said, “was a well-known Colombian and read, and very unknown and little read today. “ So, Vargas Vila, (Bogotá 1860 - Barcelona 1933), had an extensive literary production, about one hundred published works, many of them in Barcelona by Editorial Sopena (55), are the initial introductions or words that appear in the works in this editorial the source of basic information (89) of this historical biography. Read in Europe and Latin America, with an itinerant life that takes him from exile from his homeland of Venezuela, New York and Europe, is virtually unknown today, and his complete works virtually impossible to find. The very suggestive of his personality and the projection on the time makes this solo, versatile and prolific writer, he had great friends, as José Martí, Eloy Alfaro, Manuel Ugarte, Rubén Darío, an author who deserves to be studied. If you failed to achieve that good literature is needed - what would have become if he had succeeded? - his passion, his liberalism, his rebelliousness, deserve to be reminded that she ever IEA. As was also and still is a piece of our literary history