Los Aportes del Mestizaje a la Cultura Latinoamericana


  • Andrea Guerrero Mosquera


History, Latin America, mestizaje, Culture, Identity, Baroque


If it is made a research of Latin American history, cultural hybridity has been very important since the arrival of the Spanish, it is understandable how sociocultural processes of society have changed through history. This element has been the engine of historical processes and Leasehold all aspects of culture in this space.

The mestizo culture is different from others because it is part of the merger of the different actors who were part of this phenomenon. The Spanish, Indians and Blacks, were merged and in many of the cases created new life forms or expression. Since the combination of this culture emerged a different one, mixed. This culture is important in the formation of a Latin American identity and allowed to have a vision of junction of society as a whole, building a new understanding Latin American mestizo, contributing significantly in the different processes in the history of the region.


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How to Cite

Guerrero Mosquera, A. (2016). Los Aportes del Mestizaje a la Cultura Latinoamericana. ESTUDIOS LATINOAMERICANOS, (24-25), 118–126. Retrieved from https://revistas.udenar.edu.co/index.php/rceilat/article/view/3009